Category Archives: Branch Events

Annual Recognition of Academic Scholarship Awardees


Saturday, May 9, 2015
1:30 P.M.
SMCCD Administration Building
2nd Floor Board Room
3401 CSM Drive

The seven students who have been selected to receive scholarships from our AAUW/San Mateo Branch will be honored on Saturday, May 9TH, 1:30 p.m. at the San Mateo Community College District (SMCCD) building, 3401 CSM Drive, in the second floor Board Room.

You will be introduced to our seven scholarship recipients who will each present to you their experiences, goals and aspirations. Your attendance will provide support and encouragement to the awardees and their guests.

Six of the $5,000 scholarship awards are from the Ethel Gayman Endowment which is designated to provide funding for yearly academic scholarships to students from the three San Mateo County Community Colleges who are continuing their education at accredited four-year colleges or universities.

The Kathleen Smith Memorial Scholarship is providing one $5,000 scholarship award to be announced at this recognition event. The AAUW/San Mateo Board of Directors voted to establish this academic scholarship for ten years. The recipient is from one of the three San Mateo County Community Colleges and will be attending a four-year university in the fall.

Members of the 2015 Scholarship Committee are Gerhild Klein, Jane Bradley, Kathy Wiblin, Marty Moga, Norma Tarrow, Ramona Raybin, Judy Laird, Co-Chair and Billie Lou Sands, Co-Chair. After reviewing required information, personal statements, reference statements, and transcripts for each qualified candidate, the Committee selected twelve candidates to be interviewed. From those interviewed, seven were chosen to receive the seven scholarships available from our AAUW/San Mateo Branch.

Your attendance is needed to recognize your scholarship recipients on Saturday, May 9TH at 1:30 p.m. Refreshments and decorations will be provided by the Scholarship and Hospitality Committees.

Shake, Rattle and Roll

Disaster Preparedness is Subject of March 14th General Meeting

Are you ready for the next major earthquake or other possible disaster that could destroy or severely damage your home and personal possessions?

If not, you will want to attend our special “Shake, Rattle and Roll” presentation by Clint Steele who will meet with us on Saturday, March 14th at 1 p.m. at the SMCCD Board Room, 3401 CSM Drive, 2nd Floor, San Mateo. Clint, who is the husband of Judy Steele, our financial officer, received his PhD from Stanford University and worked 38 years for the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park. He will discuss steps that all of us should make to safeguard our homes and personal possessions from earthquakes, floods, tsunamis and other natural disasters that could confront us in the future.

So bring your questions along to this important meeting which is free and open to all AAUW members, family members and friends.

Lunch at Delancey Street, SF

Delancey Street Luncheon in February Brought Back by Popular Demand

Get out your 2015 calendars and enter Saturday, February 21, if you would like to attend our special AAUW luncheon at Delancey Street in San Francisco.

Back in 2008 our branch members enjoyed a terrific meal at this remarkable restaurant which is wholly staffed by men and women who are in the process of turning their lives around after experiencing periods of incarceration. By popular demand we have scheduled a second visit for 40 to this amazing restaurant at 600 The Embarcadero in San Francisco.

Reservation forms for $30 a person for a first-class four course luncheon will be included in our January Bay Leaves. Valet parking will be available for $4.00 in front of the restaurant which is located at the corner of Brannan and The Embarcadero.

Art Lecture by Kay Payne, Fine Arts Museums of SF Docent

Kay Payne Lecture Will Feature Remarkable California Women

“California Treasures: Women Who Make a Difference” will be the subject of our annual Kay Payne lecture on Saturday, January 10th at 1 p.m.

Kay has designed a provocative slide show and lecture which includes paintings, sculpture and photography and celebrates the lives of a wide variety of women from all walks of life who have made major contributions to our state.

This first program of the coming year will be held at the College of San Mateo District Board Room, 3401 CSM Drive, San Mateo. It will be free and open to all AAUW members, family and friends. Kay’s presentations are always very popular, and we look forward to hearing what she has to offer us in 2015.

Holiday Party

Date: Saturday, December 13
Time: 1-4 p.m.
Place: Home of Judy Steele

We will be serving appetizers and beverages. Everyone is invited, including spouses and friends.

Optional Donation: Gift Card (your choice of amount and business) to be given to InnVision Shelter Network for distribution to the families they assist.