Saturday, February 9, 2013
Talk by Michael Svanevik, CSM Professor
CSM College Center, Bldg. 10
The San Mateo Branch and College of San Mateo will present Professor Michael Svanevik in a program on Saturday, February 9, 2013, titled “GEMS in SAND–Women and the Writing of American History.”
The event will be on the CSM College Center Bulding 10, in the College Heights Room from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. Parking is readily available, light refreshments will be served, and donations are welcome. The program is open to the community, so please encourage your friends to attend. This is an opportunity to visit the CSM campus to see the new buildings that have been built as result of the bond issue passed by the community several years ago. A flyer reminder will be mailed in January. SAVE FEBRUARY 9TH!