Annual Recognition of Academic Scholarship Awardees


Saturday, May 9, 2015
1:30 P.M.
SMCCD Administration Building
2nd Floor Board Room
3401 CSM Drive

The seven students who have been selected to receive scholarships from our AAUW/San Mateo Branch will be honored on Saturday, May 9TH, 1:30 p.m. at the San Mateo Community College District (SMCCD) building, 3401 CSM Drive, in the second floor Board Room.

You will be introduced to our seven scholarship recipients who will each present to you their experiences, goals and aspirations. Your attendance will provide support and encouragement to the awardees and their guests.

Six of the $5,000 scholarship awards are from the Ethel Gayman Endowment which is designated to provide funding for yearly academic scholarships to students from the three San Mateo County Community Colleges who are continuing their education at accredited four-year colleges or universities.

The Kathleen Smith Memorial Scholarship is providing one $5,000 scholarship award to be announced at this recognition event. The AAUW/San Mateo Board of Directors voted to establish this academic scholarship for ten years. The recipient is from one of the three San Mateo County Community Colleges and will be attending a four-year university in the fall.

Members of the 2015 Scholarship Committee are Gerhild Klein, Jane Bradley, Kathy Wiblin, Marty Moga, Norma Tarrow, Ramona Raybin, Judy Laird, Co-Chair and Billie Lou Sands, Co-Chair. After reviewing required information, personal statements, reference statements, and transcripts for each qualified candidate, the Committee selected twelve candidates to be interviewed. From those interviewed, seven were chosen to receive the seven scholarships available from our AAUW/San Mateo Branch.

Your attendance is needed to recognize your scholarship recipients on Saturday, May 9TH at 1:30 p.m. Refreshments and decorations will be provided by the Scholarship and Hospitality Committees.